function zyt_GUID() { var a = function () { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 65536).toString(16) }; return (a() + a() + a() + a() + a() + a() + a() + a()) } function zyt_event(a) { = a; this.eventAction = null; this.subscribe = function (b) { this.eventAction = b }; = function (c, b) { if (this.eventAction != null) { this.eventAction(c, b) } } } function zyt_WebSocket() { if (arguments.length == 0) { return } if ("WebSocket" in window) { if (typeof arguments[0] == "object") { = arguments[0]["host"]; this.subprotocol = arguments[0]["subprotocol"]; this.user = arguments[0]["user"]; this.password = arguments[0]["password"] } else { if (typeof arguments[0] == "string") { = arguments[0]; if (arguments.length == 2) { this.subprotocol = arguments[1] } } else { return } } var a = new zyt_event("onopen"); var b = new zyt_event("onclose"); var e = new zyt_event("onmessage"); var c = new zyt_event("onstream"); var d = new zyt_event("onerror"); = function () { if (( !== "") && (this.user !== "") && (this.user !== undefined)) { if (this.password == undefined) { this.password == "" } if ((this.subprotocol !== "") && (this.subprotocol !== undefined)) { this.websocket = new WebSocket( + "/sgc/auth/basic/" + this.user + "/" + this.password, this.subprotocol) } else { this.websocket = new WebSocket( + "/sgc/auth/basic/" + this.user + "/" + this.password) } } else { if (( !== "") && (this.subprotocol !== "") && (this.subprotocol !== undefined)) { this.websocket = new WebSocket(, this.subprotocol) } else { if ( !== "") { this.websocket = new WebSocket( } } } this.websocket.onopen = function () {{ name: "onopen", message: "" }) }; this.websocket.onmessage = function (f) { if (false) {{ name: "onstream", stream: }) } else {{ name: "onmessage", message: }) } }; this.websocket.onclose = function (f) {{ name: "onclose", message: "", code: f.code, reason: f.reason, clean: f.wasClean }) }; this.websocket.onerror = function (f) {{ name: "onerror", message: }) } }; if (this.websocket == undefined) { } this.send = function (f) { this.websocket.send(f) }; this.close = function () { this.websocket.close() }; this.state = function () { switch (this.websocket.readyState) { case this.websocket.CONNECTING: return "connecting"; break; case this.websocket.OPEN: return "open"; break; case this.websocket.CLOSING: return "closing"; break; case this.websocket.CLOSED: return "closed"; break; default: return "undefined"; break } }; this.on = function (f, g) { if (f == "open") { a.subscribe(g) } else { if (f == "close") { b.subscribe(g) } else { if (f == "message") { e.subscribe(g) } else { if (f == "stream") { c.subscribe(g) } else { if (f == "error") { d.subscribe(g) } } } } } } } else { } } WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION = "/WebSocket/WebSocketMainInsecure.swf"; WEB_SOCKET_SUPPRESS_CROSS_DOMAIN_SWF_ERROR = true; WEB_SOCKET_DEBUG = false; var xy_socket; var xy_channel; var xy_fromUser; function __xy_im_message(m) { if ((typeof (m.soundType) == "string") && (m.fromUser != xy_fromUser)) { xy_PlayMedia(m.soundType) } if (m.func) { if (typeof (window[m.func]) === "function") { window[m.func](m) } } else { if (typeof xy_im_message === "function") { xy_im_message(m) } } } function xy_open(uid, c) { xy_fromUser = uid; xy_channel = c; xy_socket = new zyt_WebSocket(hpWebSocketHost + "?Type=User&TokenID=" + uid); xy_socket.on("open", function (e) { if (typeof xy_im_open === "function") { xy_im_open(e) } }); xy_socket.on("close", function (e) { if (typeof xy_im_close === "function") { xy_im_close(e) } }); xy_socket.on("message", function (e) { var m = JSON.parse(e.message); if (typeof xy_im_raw_message === "function") { xy_im_raw_message(m) } if ((xy_channel == "" || xy_channel == && == { delete; if (m.toUsers) { for (x in m.toUsers) { if (m.toUsers[x] == uid) { __xy_im_message(m) } } if ((m.fromUser == xy_fromUser) && m.toMyself) { __xy_im_message(m) } } else { __xy_im_message(m) } } }); xy_socket.on("error", function (e) { if (typeof xy_im_error === "function") { xy_im_error(e) } }) } function xy_raw_open(c) { xy_socket = new zyt_WebSocket(hpWebSocketHost + c); xy_socket.on("open", function (e) { if (typeof xy_im_open === "function") { xy_im_open(e) } }); xy_socket.on("close", function (e) { if (typeof xy_im_close === "function") { xy_im_close(e) } }); xy_socket.on("message", function (e) { var m = JSON.parse(e.message); if (typeof xy_im_raw_message === "function") { xy_im_raw_message(m) } }); xy_socket.on("error", function (e) { if (typeof xy_im_error === "function") { xy_im_error(e) } }) } function xy_send(m) { if (m.HPCommand) { } else { m.HPCommand = 0 } xy_command_send(m) } function xy_command_send(m) { =; m.fromUser = xy_fromUser; = xy_channel; m.fromDateTime = new Date(); m.fromDateTimeStr = new Date().toLocaleString(); xy_raw_send(m) } function xy_raw_send(m) { xy_socket.send(JSON.stringify(m)) } function xy_close() { xy_socket.close() };/* SWFObject v2.2 is released under the MIT License */ var swfobject=function(){var 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URL " + "unless you set Flash Security Settings properly. " + "Open the page via Web server i.e. http://...") } window.WebSocket = function (url, protocols, proxyHost, proxyPort, headers) { var self = this; self.__id = WebSocket.__nextId++; WebSocket.__instances[self.__id] = self; self.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING; self.bufferedAmount = 0; self.__events = {}; if (!protocols) { protocols = [] } else { if (typeof protocols == "string") { protocols = [protocols] } } self.__createTask = setTimeout(function () { WebSocket.__addTask(function () { self.__createTask = null; WebSocket.__flash.create(self.__id, url, protocols, proxyHost || null, proxyPort || 0, headers || null) }) }, 0) }; WebSocket.prototype.send = function (data) { if (this.readyState == WebSocket.CONNECTING) { throw "INVALID_STATE_ERR: Web Socket connection has not been established" } var result = WebSocket.__flash.send(this.__id, encodeURIComponent(data)); if (result < 0) { return true } else { this.bufferedAmount += result; return false } }; WebSocket.prototype.close = function () { if (this.__createTask) { clearTimeout(this.__createTask); this.__createTask = null; this.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED; return } if (this.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSED || this.readyState == WebSocket.CLOSING) { return } this.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSING; WebSocket.__flash.close(this.__id) }; WebSocket.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture) { if (!(type in this.__events)) { this.__events[type] = [] } this.__events[type].push(listener) }; WebSocket.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture) { if (!(type in this.__events)) { return } var events = this.__events[type]; for (var i = events.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (events[i] === listener) { events.splice(i, 1); break } } }; WebSocket.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (event) { var events = this.__events[event.type] || []; for (var i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) { events[i](event) } var handler = this["on" + event.type]; if (handler) { handler.apply(this, [event]) } }; WebSocket.prototype.__handleEvent = function (flashEvent) { if ("readyState" in flashEvent) { this.readyState = flashEvent.readyState } if ("protocol" in flashEvent) { this.protocol = flashEvent.protocol } var jsEvent; if (flashEvent.type == "open" || flashEvent.type == "error") { jsEvent = this.__createSimpleEvent(flashEvent.type) } else { if (flashEvent.type == "close") { jsEvent = this.__createSimpleEvent("close"); jsEvent.wasClean = flashEvent.wasClean ? true : false; jsEvent.code = flashEvent.code; jsEvent.reason = flashEvent.reason } else { if (flashEvent.type == "message") { var data = decodeURIComponent(flashEvent.message); jsEvent = this.__createMessageEvent("message", data) } else { throw "unknown event type: " + flashEvent.type } } } this.dispatchEvent(jsEvent) }; WebSocket.prototype.__createSimpleEvent = function (type) { if (document.createEvent && window.Event) { var event = document.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent(type, false, false); return event } else { return { type: type, bubbles: false, cancelable: false } } }; WebSocket.prototype.__createMessageEvent = function (type, data) { if (window.MessageEvent && typeof (MessageEvent) == "function" && !window.opera) { return new MessageEvent("message", { "view": window, "bubbles": false, "cancelable": false, "data": data }) } else { if (document.createEvent && window.MessageEvent && !window.opera) { var event = document.createEvent("MessageEvent"); event.initMessageEvent("message", false, false, data, null, null, window, null); return event } else { return { type: type, data: data, bubbles: false, cancelable: false } } } }; WebSocket.CONNECTING = 0; WebSocket.OPEN = 1; WebSocket.CLOSING = 2; WebSocket.CLOSED = 3; WebSocket.__isFlashImplementation = true; WebSocket.__initialized = false; WebSocket.__flash = null; WebSocket.__instances = {}; WebSocket.__tasks = []; WebSocket.__nextId = 0; WebSocket.loadFlashPolicyFile = function (url) { WebSocket.__addTask(function () { WebSocket.__flash.loadManualPolicyFile(url) }) }; WebSocket.__initialize = function () { if (WebSocket.__initialized) { return } WebSocket.__initialized = true; if (WebSocket.__swfLocation) { window.WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION = WebSocket.__swfLocation } if (!window.WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION) { logger.error("[WebSocket] set WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION to location of WebSocketMain.swf"); return } if (!window.WEB_SOCKET_SUPPRESS_CROSS_DOMAIN_SWF_ERROR && !WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION.match(/(^|\/)WebSocketMainInsecure\.swf(\?.*)?$/) && WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION.match(/^\w+:\/\/([^\/]+)/)) { var swfHost = RegExp.$1; if ( != swfHost) { logger.error("[WebSocket] You must host HTML and WebSocketMain.swf in the same host " + "('" + + "' != '" + swfHost + "'). " + "See also 'How to host HTML file and SWF file in different domains' section " + "in If you use WebSocketMainInsecure.swf, you can suppress this message " + "by WEB_SOCKET_SUPPRESS_CROSS_DOMAIN_SWF_ERROR = true;") } } var container = document.createElement("div"); = "webSocketContainer"; = "absolute"; if (WebSocket.__isFlashLite()) { = "0px"; = "0px" } else { = "-100px"; = "-100px" } var holder = document.createElement("div"); = "webSocketFlash"; container.appendChild(holder); document.body.appendChild(container); swfobject.embedSWF(WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION, "webSocketFlash", "1", "1", "10.0.0", null, null, { hasPriority: true, swliveconnect: true, allowScriptAccess: "always" }, null, function (e) { if (!e.success) { logger.error("[WebSocket] swfobject.embedSWF failed") } }) }; WebSocket.__onFlashInitialized = function () { setTimeout(function () { WebSocket.__flash = document.getElementById("webSocketFlash"); WebSocket.__flash.setCallerUrl(location.href); WebSocket.__flash.setDebug(!!window.WEB_SOCKET_DEBUG); for (var i = 0; i < WebSocket.__tasks.length; ++i) { WebSocket.__tasks[i]() } WebSocket.__tasks = [] }, 0) }; WebSocket.__onFlashEvent = function () { setTimeout(function () { try { var events = WebSocket.__flash.receiveEvents(); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) { WebSocket.__instances[events[i].webSocketId].__handleEvent(events[i]) } } catch (e) { logger.error(e) } }, 0); return true }; WebSocket.__log = function (message) { logger.log(decodeURIComponent(message)) }; WebSocket.__error = function (message) { logger.error(decodeURIComponent(message)) }; WebSocket.__addTask = function (task) { if (WebSocket.__flash) { task() } else { WebSocket.__tasks.push(task) } }; WebSocket.__isFlashLite = function () { if (!window.navigator || !window.navigator.mimeTypes) { return false } var mimeType = window.navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]; if (!mimeType || !mimeType.enabledPlugin || !mimeType.enabledPlugin.filename) { return false } return mimeType.enabledPlugin.filename.match(/flashlite/i) ? true : false }; if (!window.WEB_SOCKET_DISABLE_AUTO_INITIALIZATION) { swfobject.addDomLoadEvent(function () { WebSocket.__initialize() }) } })(); var hpWebSocketHost = "ws://";